Showing all 4 results
3 Way Cattle Draft
Our cattle drafting system has 2 options, 3 Way & 5 Way Cattle Drafting.
The 3 Way & 5 Way Cattle Draft are part of our Auto Drafter Package, which includes the HD 2000 Cattle Crush and Head Scoop.
5 Way Cattle Draft
Our cattle drafting system has 2 options, 3 Way & 5 Way Cattle Drafting.
The 3 Way & 5 Way Cattle Draft are part of our Auto Drafter Package, which includes the HD 2000 Cattle Crush and Head Scoop.
6 IN 1 Auto Drafter – Sheep Drafter
The Clipex® 6 in 1 Auto Sheep Drafter, our innovative super fast auto drafter, performs the most critical tasks reliably with
ease and efficiency. The Auto Sheep Drafter is built to last with high quality, fully serviceable components.• AFFORDABLE WORKHORSE
All In One Sheep Handler
World leading, multi-purpose, all-in-one Sheep Handling system, designed to make sheep handling safer, quicker and easier.
The Clipex® sheep handler gives the best access to sheep due to the pre-catch gate and anti-backing technology, the handler can draft up to 800 sheep an hour with ease.The Clipex® Sheep Handler – All in One sheep handler is approved in TAMS grant.
• The peak of automated sheep handling
• Patented Performance Features
• Mobile Sheep Handler which is built to travel and increase productivity