Solar Farm Fencing
500m Solar Farm Fencing - 1 strand of barb on top

3.0m 15 Clip std posts @ 4m centres
Material Required:
- 5no. 2.5m 76mm Drilled Tube Strainer
- 8no. 3m props, pins and plates
- 125no. 3.0m 15 clip std post
- 10no. 50m rolls 13/192/8 solar farm wire
- 1no. 500m roll barb wire
- 60no. Gripples
- 104no. T-Clips
- 4no. Large Gripples
- 1no. Standard drive tubes
Subtotal: €5,689.40 + VAT @23%
- Price Per M: €11.38 + VAT @23%

- 3.86 Acre sample field
- Gate not included
- Prices correct as of April 2024
- Delivery can be arranged at a cost
Solar Farm Fencing - Clipex Products
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